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Weekdays: Monday-Thursday 6pm to 2am

Weekend: Friday 6pm-Monday 6am

This service is for people in Scotland

Baton of Hope

Breathing Space were pleased to support the Baton of Hope tour on the Edinburgh section of it’s journey across the UK  – alongside many of our friends and partner organisations.

Starting in Glasgow on 25 June 2023 the Baton will travel to all the nations of the UK to reach it’s destination in London on 5th July. Designed to be the biggest suicide awareness and prevention initiative the UK has ever seen, opening up necessary conversations and prompting appropriate actions the specially designed baton will tour UK towns and cities for two weeks.

The Baton of Hope team is part of a growing movement aspiring to a zero-suicide society, and will simply not tolerate more than 6,000 suicide deaths per year in the UK (as currently) when most suicides are preventable. Their vision is of a society where suicide and suicide prevention are openly and widely discussed, where we inspire hope through action, where people are suitably supported, and where everyone plays their part in realising this vision.

You can find out more about the work of the campaign and the tour of the Baton here

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Breathing Space is available for anyone in Scotland over the age of 16. Childline can provide help and advice about a wide range of issues on 0800 1111 or

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