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Finalists in the poster presentation at NHS Scotland Event 2022

Tony McLaren, National Coordinator Breathing Space with Katherine Robertson, Senior Nurse for Mental Health NHS 24 at the poster presentation session.

Tony McLaren, National Coordinator Breathing Space with Katherine Robertson, Senior Nurse for Mental Health NHS 24 at the poster presentation session.

Breathing Space are delighted to have been a Finalist in the poster presentation sessions at the NHS Scotland Event 2022 at the P&J Live in Aberdeen on Tuesday 21 and Wednesday 22 June.

Every year, the event provides the opportunity for those working in and with the NHS in Scotland to come together to consider the challenges, to share best practice and the most innovative approaches to delivering the highest quality of care, and to take away tools and techniques that will support them in their various roles.

This year’s poster presented the successful pilot of the web chat service at Breathing Space, alongside our telephone listening service.

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